Just when you thought it was safe to start listening to talk radio again, the race for the Texas Speaker of the House tumbled into full swing.
For those of you not in the daily grind we call the Texas Legislature, here is some helpful information and background to help frame this discussion. The Texas House has 150 members chosen from districts throughout the state. On the opening day of session (January 11, 2011 this time), those 150 members vote to choose one of their own to serve as the Speaker of the House. The Speaker presides over the daily happenings of the House, makes committee appointments, and generally sets the tone and direction of the House. Next to the Governor and Lt. Governor, the Speaker of the House is probably one of the most influential persons in Texas politics.
Now, for the history lesson. The Texas House was dominated for years by a Democratic majority. In 2003, Tom Craddick became the first Republican Speaker since re-construction. Prior to the legislative session in 2009, Representative Joe Straus from San Antonio formed a coalition of mostly Democrats and fewer Republicans to challenge and defeat Speaker Craddick to become the second Republican Speaker in recent history.
And, that brings us up to current events. When Speaker Straus became Speaker, the Republicans held a small majority 77-73 ish in the Texas House. After last Tuesday, the slit is 98 to 51 in favor of the Republicans with one seat open due to the death of Rep. Edmund Kuempel. There is at least one Republican contender who is challenging Speaker Straus and a strong push from grassroots groups to affect the outcome of the race.
Truth be known, there are arguments that reasonable men (and women) can make for supporting either of these candidates. In the interest of full disclosure, I actually do have a personal preference in the race. But, my choice doesn't matter. My heart's cry is for the Lord's will to be done. In the event that you need a written invitation to intrude into business you may not consider your own, consider this it. I invite you to pray for your leaders in the Texas House of Representatives. Pray that they will fear God more than man. Pray that they will follow their consciences without regard to opinion polls or offers of positions of influence - from either Speaker candidate. Pray that all candidates will be able to conduct themselves above reproach as they seek this responsibility of leading their peers.
I know no better prayer for the circumstances than the one Jesus taught His disciples:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth (in the Texas House) as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen.
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