September 23, 2010
40 Days before the November elections
Several months ago more and more people began discussing the great need in our country for prayer and fasting prior to the November general elections. Few have been left untouched by the economic downturn in our economy. They are alarmed at the out of control spending of our elected officials at all levels of government. We are saddling future generations with unsustainable debts that will strip them of their ability to continue to live the American Dream.
At the same time that we are facing monetary bankruptcy, our nation is also facing spiritual and moral bankruptcy. Sin is rampant in our midst and we, as a people, rarely even take notice of it. Sexual immorality is considered nobody's business. Sexual perversion is considered a protected right. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We do not honor our elderly or care for our children and their future. We worship media, public figures, and money. We do not honor God. And, we wonder why it feels like things are going to Hell in a hand basket.
Originally, I was asked to pray for the names of ten people who I would be responsible to getting to the polls on November 2 to vote in the election. In turn, I was to ask each of them to pray for ten people with whom they had influence to do the same. But, as soon as I began to seek those ten names, the Lord revealed to me that this battle will not be won in our voting booths. It will be won in our prayer closets.
You see, this is not a political situation we have. It's a sin situation. Neither Republicans, Democrats, nor Tea Party candidates can solve our problem. No march on the Capitol will change things. It does not take a move in Washington or Austin or any earthly place to reach a solution. No elected official's policy can change the course of this nation. Now, all those things may eventually come into play. But, restoration of our land will not come about before or until, God's people truly humble themselves before their Lord.
And, so began my journey to better understand 2 Chronicles 7:14:
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
So, for the next 40 days, you are cordially invited to join me in humbling yourself before the Lord and seeking His face. Whether it influences the elections or not, God promises He will hear from heaven and heal our land.
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